Tajweed Made Easy

What’s included


High-quality videos

This course starts with the very basics of the art of Qur’anic recitation, Tajweed. By understanding the key foundational concepts, we will be able to build upon through the course.

Surah al-Fatihah explained

At the end of each lesson, we will take a verse from the first chapter of the Qur’an, Surah al-Fatihah, and see the rules we have learnt implemented. Only though regular practice can the art of Qur’anic recitation be perfected, insha’Allah

End-of-course test

Upon completing the course, you will be able to take an end-of-course test. This will provide information concerning your strengths, weaknesses and areas to improve.

No certificates are issued upon successful completion of the programme, but will pave the way to the next course, “Tajweed in Practice”.


  • Lesson 1

    Introduction to Tajweed with tips of advice

  • Lesson 2

    Origins of Letters

  • Lesson 3

    Characteristics of Letters

  • Lesson 4 recap and Lesson 5

    Rules of An-Noon As-Saakinah and Tanween

    Rules of Al-Meem As-Saakinah

  • Lesson 6

    Rules of Lengthening

    Part 1

  • Lesson 7

    Rules of Lengthening

    Part 2

  • Lesson 8

    Opening and Stopping Recitation

Alhamdulilah for completing “Tajweed Made Easy"!

May Allah accept our efforts and make us of people of the Qur’an. Aameen.

Click below to take our test, then continue to the next course, “Tajweed in Practice”


Tajweed In Practice